Money Mastery Coaching

Your Money Beliefs Matter

In this video, we’re going to talk about your money beliefs and why they matter. It’s crucial to be aware of what our beliefs about money are, and I’m going to share with you something that has been passed down to me from mentors over the years. This insight is super helpful because it levels the playing field for all of us, letting us know that we’re all going through the same type of experience. There are ways to be aware of what’s happening, overcome limitations, and even transform old beliefs that might be hindering our success.

Before we dive in, let’s understand that there are things in our life that cause us to act, and there are things that create strong emotions. What are these things? They are our thoughts. Thoughts are the cause, and results are the effects of our thoughts. Our thoughts have been shaping our lives from the moment we were born.

Your Beliefs About Life Are Programmed in Childhood:

Children from birth through their seventh year have a different brainwave pattern from adults. They are in theta brainwave state, which is like hypnosis. During this state, children are very influenceable, and everything they see and hear, they believe to be true about the world. They are in a constant state of observational hypnosis. Recognizing this is crucial because we were programmed during this hypnotic state for the first seven years of our lives. Our surroundings and experiences programmed us to behave in certain ways.

The renowned specialist in neuroscience, Bruce Lipton, referred to as the father of epigenetics, discovered that children are living in this observational hypnotic state, meaning they are highly receptive to the thoughts and energy around them. This programming influences their behaviors and sets the foundation for their adult lives.

The Start of the Cycle – Thoughts:

Now, why does this matter? Because our thoughts are powerful. Joe Dispenza, another specialist in neuroscience, describes our thoughts as the electrical impulse, and our heart as the magnet. Positive thoughts generate an electrical impulse that goes out into the world, and positive feelings act as a magnet, drawing what we desire toward us. The cycle continues with actions and, ultimately, the results we obtain.

The End of the Cycle – Results:

Results will either solidify a belief that is serving us or solidify a belief that is limiting us. If we’re not happy with a result or something is not working, we can trace it back to the actions we took, the feelings that caused those actions, and the thoughts that generated those feelings. Ultimately, these thoughts are rooted in beliefs.

The T.E.A.R. Cycle:

The T.E.A.R. Cycle stands for Thoughts, Emotions, Actions, and Results. These four elements make up the fabric of our experience on this earth. By becoming aware of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and results, we can make conscious adjustments and start to shift and change our beliefs.

If a result is not what we desire, there’s likely a limiting belief at play. Identifying this belief allows us to question it and, if necessary, challenge and replace it with a more empowering belief. We don’t have to be victims of our programming; we can consciously choose to reprogram ourselves.

Limiting Beliefs – Generational Wisdom:

This is a silly example, but let me tell you the story of “The Holiday Ham”. So imagine you’re at a family party and you’re observing a conversation between three generations, a grandma, a mom, and a daughter. They’re preparing the meal, and the daughter asks “Hey Mom, we’re cooking this ham today, but I just don’t get it. Why do we cut off the end of the ham?” And Mom just says “Oh, it’s tradition, we’ve just always cut off the end of the ham. It’s part of what we do when we prepare the meal.” And that gets Mom thinking, and she decides to ask Grandma why we cut the end off the ham off.

And Grandma says, “I don’t know about you two, I think it’s kind of silly. When I was raising you, our pan was too small so we had to cut off the end for it to fit in the pot so we could get it in the oven and cook it. But why you keep cutting off the ham today, I have no clue. We have a big enough pot to put the whole thing in there.” So that’s just a silly example of how beliefs are often passed down through generations. Just as the tradition of cutting off the end of the ham had a practical origin, many of our financial beliefs are inherited without questioning their relevance in our current circumstances.

I encourage you to take a look at your beliefs about money and success. If there’s a belief holding you back, challenge it and replace it with one that empowers you to achieve the results you desire. Reflect on your own beliefs and start the process of transformation. Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you in the next video.

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